Category: Pets

Personality and Behaviours of Persian CatsPersonality and Behaviours of Persian Cats

Persian cats are long-haired stunning cats. That being said, according to the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), in 2015 the Persian cat breed was ranked as the 2nd most popular breed in in the United States. The first most popular breed is the Exotic. The Exotic breed looks like a short haired Persian. As a result, I think these people really love Persians also.

NOTE: The Exotic breed was created by crossing a domestic short hair with a Persian. Hence, eventually, domestic short-hairs BECAME exotic because of the Persian in them. (So I suspect the lower hair maintenance of the short hair may have some influence there… Additionally, prior to the creation of the Exotic short hair, domestic short hair cats were not allowed to enter cat shows.)

The Persian cat has a distinctive appearance: a large, round head; large, round eyes; a short nose; full cheeks; and small ears with rounded tips. The head is supported by a short, thick neck and a deceptively sturdy, muscular body. A Persian cat’s legs are short, thick and strong with large, round, firm paws. The tail is fluffy and proportional to the length of the cat’s body.
Persian cats can come in different “looks”. The selective breeding process carried out by breeders has allowed the development of a wide variety of coat colors. It has also led to the creation of increasingly flat faced (or Peke-face) Persians. Favored by many cat fanciers, this head structure can bring with it a number of health problems. There have been efforts by some breeders to preserve the older type of cat, the traditional breed, having a more pronounced muzzle, which is more popular with the general public. These are called “Doll-face” Persians.Doll-face” Persians are said to have a more old-fashioned appearance, with a face that is not as flat as the show Persian or the Peke-face Persian.

The dignified and docile Persian is known for being quiet and sweet. She is an ornament to any home where she can enjoy sitting in a lap-surely her rightful place-being stroked by those who are discerning enough to recognize her superior qualities, and playing house with kind children who will gently comb her hair, wheel her around in a cart, wagon, or buggy, then serve her tea at their parties. Persians are affectionate but discriminating. They reserve their attention for family members and those few guests whom they feel they can trust.

Persian cats and are sedate cats who prefer a serene home where little changes from day to day. Additionally, they are more content when they are not in a loud Perzische kat .Persians use their large, expressive eyes and a voice that can be described as soft, pleasant and musical Persian cats let their simple needs be known: regular meals, a little playtime with a catnip mouse or feather teaser, and lots of love, which they return tenfold.

Because Persian Cats’ legs are short, they are less likely to climb excessive heights, but as kittens, they will try more than as adults. Getting them their own furniture and toys is helpful to them. When you are at work or are busy around the house, the Persian is content to adorn a chair, sofa or bed until you are free to admire her and give her the attention she willingly receives but never demands.

Care and Grooming

The most important thing to understand about caring for a Persian cat is the need for daily grooming. That long, beautiful coat doesn’t stay clean and tangle-free on its own. It must be gently but thoroughly combed and brushed every day, and regular bathing-at least once a month-is a good idea. Clipping their nails regularly is also easy to do.Litter boxes must also be kept scrupulously clean. A Persian cat often supervise this activity, and immediately check behind your work after box cleaning. They may come while you are cleaning the box and watch. When you finish, they may go in side, sniff around, look at you, as if to say they approve, then leave. Hence, make sure you do a good job – daily is preferred.